This is the day that the Lord has made...

This is the day that the Lord has made...

Friday, October 8, 2010

Making The Most of Them

It's Friday, end of the first week of the rest of my life.  Thank you to all of you who have been following and reading this first week of my attempt to get my thoughts in writing.  And thanks to those who have emailed me, texted and commented.  I appreciate all of the feedback and input as it is my true intention of my writing to be a positive influence in the world, to make a difference to someone, anyone, each day. So, thanks again.

If I had a theme song for my new passion and desire in life it would be "Hold Us Together" by Matt Maher.  The lyrics begin with, "it don't have a job, it won't pay the bills, it won't buy you a home in Beverly Hills, if won't fix your life, in five easy steps...but it's all you need."  The song is about Christ's love for you and that it is the glue of your life, my life.  That when we focus on Him and His presence in our life then nothing else matters, no other thing has importance because all of my needs will be met through His love and faith.  How many of us can say that we are dependent on the Lord to meet our needs?  Not many, including me. Yet, oh how I long to be in that position, to have that depth of faith and the knowingness that it brings to your life, that all of my needs are covered.  Go download the song and share it with someone you love.

When you accept Christ into your life and are filled with the Holy Spirit, a new being, a new life begins.  A life in which you will never be alone again.  A life in which there will always be hope and light, no matter how dark the world may seem.  Never and always are BIG words that I don't use lightly and when speaking of the Creator and the promises of Jesus, I feel comfortable doing so because I know they are universal constants, forever unchanged.  I've learned there are not many things in THIS world that we can count on which is why we need Jesus.  When that stone was rolled away, the entire game changed including the venue in which it is played.  In one moment in time, your life and my life, and every other mortal life was changed.  There is more...this isn't it.

Man's days are determined, you have decreed the number of his month's and have set limits he cannot exceed.   Job 14:5

So what are you going to do with the rest of your days here on earth?  Is life going to be as Mark Twain said, "One darn thing after another", or will it be different?  I vote that, together, we all decide that we are going to be different, peculiar, in that we start thinking and living and taking action in preparation for our eternal life.  I think about how differently I make decisions now, how I look at circumstances and opportunities, seeking counsel from God through the Holy Spirit, and what a profound impact it has had on my life. How different is my life being humbled, losing the ego (which by the way means Edging God Out) and focusing on serving the Lord in every aspect of my life in the time that I have left here.

I've been to that place of darkness.  I've been in that pit all by myself, looking up, scared, alone.  Everyone that has ever been in that place knows that the only way you get there is by having complete focus on yourself and your needs, wants and desires.  In that self-absorbed wasteland there is no room for God because the "I" is so big and so mighty.  I thank God every day that He loved me enough to show me the way out, even though I cursed Him and shut Him out.  The people He brought into my life, the ways they impacted me could never have been scripted, ever.  I now know, as a result of His love and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, that my pursuit of the perfect life was my path of self-destruction so that I could find Him. And now, He has given me a voice, a tool, and a new vision of how to make the most of the rest of my days being in this world, but not of it, and I intend to use it serving Him.

I pray that your weekend is blessed with rest, recovery and a time to reflect on your blessings and to continue to build your relationship with Christ.  I'll be back on Monday with more reflections from the life of a guy that has become Spiritually Inclined.

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