This is the day that the Lord has made...

This is the day that the Lord has made...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Free Will

I woke up this morning, as usual, four minutes before my alarm was set to go off.  That seems to be the trend for the Holy Spirit lately, except yesterday when He rolled me out of bed at 3:50 am.  A while back I committed to getting up either when my alarm went off or when I was stirred by the Spirit.  Since then, I honestly can't remember a day when I wasn't awake before my alarm went off.

I use those extra moments to pray and give thanks.  When my mind is heavy or my heart aches, I find that I have more time for that special prayer opportunity.  I find it amazing that when I commit to the Lord, there become so many more opportunities to worship Him and have fellowship with Him each day. 

One difference between being spiritually inclined and materialistically focused is the appreciation you have for the subtle occurrences of the Holy Spirit working and acting in your life.  In the past, a good deal of the time I spent away from work I was still at work, mentally.  It seemed that I could never shut that "work brain" off.  That is what I mean by being materialistic.  Being focused on the material world isn't about wanting a big house, fancy shoes, nice clothes or the newest cars.  Instead, being materialistic means the physical world, the things of this earthly life, dominates your thoughts and your life; you literally live for "this world."  I would argue that you can be spiritually inclined and still have the finer "things" in life.  The difference is the "things" don't run your life and don't drive your actions and behaviors.

When I made the decision to return to the Lord, and truly live a spiritually-centered life, something astonishing happened.  I began to enjoy life more.  I had more time each day.  I no longer felt like I was on a treadmill.  It is hard for many people to believe that, especially busy people.  But it's true.  The Holy Spirit doesn't function in the same time zone or clock system that we do.  When we focus on the Spirit, and live in the Spirit, we gain access to that time table which opens up our daily life for more opportunities.  More chances to serve Him and the purpose that He has for you life.  Doing so also leads you back to the path of life that He has chosen for you.

It is up to me to decide which world I want to live in, the spiritual world or the material world.  The choice I make determines the actions that I take and the life that I have.  The question that I have to ask to understand my choice is this: Am I living for the Lord, or am I living for me?  No one can make that decision for me, or for anyone else for that matter.  That is truly free will.

I pray today that the Spirit of the Lord will be heavy in my life and those all around me.  I pray that He would touch the lives of those in need of His touch, and that His glory would shine upon them.  I thank God for the wonderful time He has spent with me and the many blessings I receive, daily.  Thank you Jesus, for your divine leadership and saving grace.  Amen.

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